"Unshakeable: How to Stay Consistent When Life Gets Tough"

Consistency is hard enough at any time let alone when the going gets tough.  Our brain is not geared to like to work hard in fact, our brains are wired to conserve energy, which often leads to taking the path of least resistance. This natural inclination toward laziness can make it tempting to avoid challenges or fall into easy routines, as our minds prioritize short-term comfort over long-term growth.

Our brains are also geared towards patterns, especially familiar patterns because they offer a sense of safety and predictability. Recognizing and repeating known patterns allows the brain to operate more efficiently, reducing cognitive load. When faced with new information or experiences, the brain must work harder to process and adapt, which requires more energy. This is why habits, even ones that may not serve us well, can be so hard to break—they provide a mental shortcut that our brains prefer over the uncertainty of change.

However, this preference for familiarity can also keep us stuck in unproductive or even harmful cycles. When our brains become too comfortable with certain patterns, we may resist new opportunities or challenges that could lead to growth. This aversion to change is rooted in our desire for stability, but it can limit our potential. To grow, it's essential to push beyond the comfort of the familiar and challenge our brains to embrace new experiences, fostering resilience and adaptability.

So, when we are faced with adversity or tough times, our brains like to check out.  The extra load of trying to maintain the familiar while dealing with a problem can send it off the rails.  Suddenly, your determination to keep a healthy routine is now overruled by your brain trying to deal with a new situation and adapt to it.  In times of adversity, our brains naturally resist consistency because they prioritize survival over routine. 

When faced with stress or uncertainty, the brain shifts into a heightened state of alertness, focusing on immediate threats rather than long-term goals. This fight-or-flight response, designed to protect us, can make it difficult to stick to regular habits or maintain discipline. Instead of consistency, the brain seeks quick solutions and relief, often leading to impulsive decisions, procrastination, or avoidance.

Additionally, adversity disrupts the brain’s sense of stability, making it harder to focus on consistent actions. The mental energy needed to manage stress and navigate challenges often depletes the cognitive resources required for discipline and routine. As a result, maintaining consistency can feel like an uphill battle, as the brain prioritizes coping mechanisms over sticking to plans. Overcoming this instinct requires conscious effort and strategies that remind the brain of the long-term benefits of consistency, even when short-term comfort is tempting.

So, what's the answer to keeping your consistency in your business, health, and daily routines, when tough times happen?  Overcoming the brain’s resistance during tough times requires intentional strategies that help reinforce consistency and resilience. Here are some effective methods:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness helps to calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase awareness of negative thought patterns. Meditation trains the brain to stay present, making it easier to manage anxiety and maintain focus on long-term goals rather than short-term discomfort.
  2. Break Goals into Small Steps: When facing adversity, large tasks can feel overwhelming. By breaking goals into smaller, manageable steps, you reduce the mental burden and make it easier for your brain to commit to consistent action. Celebrating small wins along the way can also boost motivation and reinforce positive behavior.
  3. Establish Routines: Creating a consistent daily routine can provide stability and a sense of control during chaotic times. Even small rituals, like morning exercise or a set bedtime, can anchor your day and help the brain navigate uncertainty by providing familiar structure.
  4. Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations: During tough times, negative self-talk can easily take over, reinforcing the brain’s instinct to avoid challenges. Replacing these thoughts with positive affirmations helps to shift your mindset, encouraging resilience and a commitment to your goals, even when it's difficult.
  5. Seek Support and Accountability: Sharing your challenges with a friend, coach, or support group can provide the encouragement needed to stay consistent. External accountability adds pressure to follow through on commitments, helping to counteract the brain’s urge to take the easy way out.
  6. Focus on the ‘Why’: Reminding yourself of the deeper reasons behind your goals can strengthen your resolve. When you reconnect with your purpose, it becomes easier to push through discomfort, as the brain recognizes the value of staying consistent despite adversity.
By using these strategies, you can train your brain to prioritize consistency and resilience, even when facing tough times.

If you are in a "tough" time and need to chat about it, go HERE for a complimentary consultation.

In times of adversity, you require change. Grab my free guide to the " 5 Steps to Change" HERE!

Get your copy of my book "Find Your Purpose, Find Your Passion" HERE!  FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY AT $3.99!

"Navigating the Three "C's": Embracing Changes, Making Choices, and Conquering Challenges."

When you have to make a change in your life, it comes down to choosing to do that.

Our choices are important, every one of them.


Because your choice will ultimately give you your outcome in any situation.

Changing your thoughts simply comes down to making the decision that you don't desire something in your life anymore.

Making that decision to choose differently may take some time to recognize this is not how you desire to live your life. Though, when you make that decision it is generally made very quickly.  The reason for that is that you have finally had enough of the situation, the attitude, or the behavior.  In under a minute, you can and will embrace the change you desire and then you will end it.

Recently, I made a huge decision in my own life.  A habit I had mulled over for a very long time though when I chose to change I did so in just a moment or two.

Often it is recognizing finally you don't desire to keep this habit or attitude and it's done.  Gone. Over.  You chose to end it.

Years, or should I say decades ago I picked up the horrible habit of smoking.  I was going through a divorce with two small children, singing for my supper, and not getting a lot of spare time or sleep.  The "gals" I sang with in a four-girl cabaret act all smoked.  I found myself joining them and suddenly, or not so suddenly, I had a habit that I didn't desire that was detrimental to my health and my voice.  Yet, I smoked for several years even though I hated it.

When the moment came that I hated the habit enough to quit, that happened in under a minute.  I made the decision and I believe because of prayer I never picked one up again.  It was ended.  

I embraced the change, I made the choice, and I conquered the challenge of not smoking a cigarette ever again.

I felt so free!

When you have a strong desire to change a habit or attitude, the freedom that comes from choosing to do so is incredible!

Habits are just that.  A way of living that has become normal even if it is something you don't desire.  Breaking the habit comes from recognizing it and then choosing to end it.

Your mind is a powerful part of your body.  Your mind controls your brain where all these habits are formed.  Your brain, of course, doesn't like change which causes us to take time to overrule it with our conscious mind.

The great part is your mind is in control and can make the change when it fully decides to.

What habit or attitude would you like to change?  


You can embrace the change, make the choice, and conquer the challenge.

I'll leave you with a verse from the bible that says it all!

Philippians 4:13:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

This verse emphasizes the strength and empowerment that comes from faith in Christ, which can be applied to embracing change, making important decisions, and overcoming difficulties.

"Mind Over Matter: Exploring the Power of Mental Resilience"

In the last few months, as I have been recovering from knee replacement surgery, I have had to do a lot of "mind over matter." There have been times of incredible pain, frustration, feeling hopeless, physical therapy that made me cry two or three times a week, and the overall feeling of what happened to life as I once knew it.

I'm grateful to be able to walk better and get on with life, as well as all the training and study I've done in the last ten years about how my thoughts affect my emotions and my actions.  Oh, I have not been perfect, and struggling with my mind trying to stay positive and look to a better future with more mobility, has not been easy.  It has been "MIND OVER MATTER!"

So, what does that mean? In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, the concept of "mind over matter" has become a popular and maybe overused phrase. At its core, this phrase embodies the idea that your thoughts, beliefs, and mental strength can have a profound impact on your physical reality. Whether it’s overcoming physical challenges, enduring pain, or pushing beyond perceived limitations, the power of the mind is a crucial element in achieving extraordinary feats. But what does "mind over matter" really mean, and how can you harness this power in your everyday life?

Understanding "Mind Over Matter"

"Mind over matter" suggests that mental strength and determination can transcend physical barriers. It’s a concept rooted in various philosophical, psychological, and spiritual traditions. Historically, it has been associated with the belief that the mind holds the power to shape reality. This idea is not just a philosophical musing but is supported by scientific evidence as well. 

For instance, if you believe you can produce a certain, or desired result this can lead to real physiological improvements, highlighting the influence of the mind on the body.  This truly is using your mind and your belief system to produce the results you desire.

From a psychological perspective, mental resilience – the ability to bounce back from adversity – is the belief and expectation of "mind over matter." If you can develop high mental resilience you will navigate life's challenges with greater ease, maintaining a positive outlook and finding solutions where others see only obstacles. This resilience is not an inherent trait but a skill that can be cultivated through practices such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and fostering a supportive social network.

The Role of Mental Resilience

Mental resilience is the cornerstone of "mind over matter." It involves maintaining flexibility and balance when faced with stressful situations. When you are resilient you are not immune to difficulties though can recover from setbacks more quickly. You begin to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable barriers. This mindset enables you to stay focused, motivated, and persistent even in the face of adversity.

One of the key aspects of building mental resilience is cultivating a positive and realistic outlook. 

This involves recognizing negative thought patterns and consciously replacing them with more constructive ones. Cognitive-behavioral strategies can be particularly effective in this regard, helping you to reframe your thoughts and develop a more optimistic perspective. 

Additionally, mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep-breathing exercises, can enhance emotional regulation, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm and clarity.

Practical Steps to Harness "Mind Over Matter"

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Engaging in regular mindfulness and meditation practices can help you stay grounded and focused, reducing the impact of negative thoughts and emotions. These practices enhance your ability to remain calm and collected, even in stressful situations.
  2. Positive Affirmations: Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Affirmations are statements that reinforce a positive self-image and mindset, helping to boost confidence and resilience. For example, repeating phrases like "I am strong" or "I can handle whatever comes my way" can reinforce a resilient mindset.
  3. Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques: Learn to identify and challenge negative thought patterns. Cognitive-behavioral techniques can help you reframe your thinking, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth. This can involve questioning the validity of negative thoughts and replacing them with more balanced, constructive ones.
  4. Supportive Relationships: Build and maintain a strong support network. Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive individuals can provide emotional support and practical assistance during tough times. Having a community to rely on can significantly enhance your resilience.
  5. Goal Setting: Set realistic and achievable goals. Breaking down larger challenges into manageable steps can make them seem less daunting and help you stay focused and motivated. Celebrate your progress along the way to maintain momentum.


"Mind over matter" is more than just a catchy phrase; it's a powerful principle that underscores the incredible potential of the human mind. By cultivating mental resilience, you can navigate life's challenges with greater ease, turning setbacks into opportunities for growth. Through mindfulness, positive affirmations, cognitive-behavioral techniques, supportive relationships, and goal setting, you can harness the power of your mind to overcome physical and mental barriers. In doing so, you not only enhance your well-being but also inspire those around you to recognize and tap into their inner strength.

By integrating these aspects into daily life, prayer can significantly enhance your ability to withstand and recover from adversity, thereby promoting overall mental resilience.

Psalm 23:4 (NIV): "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

This verse provides comfort and courage, emphasizing God's presence and protection even in the darkest and most challenging times

If you would like a complimentary chat just click HERE!

Essential Oils to help you with emotional and mental freedom are available HERE!