A short, but awesome get-away for the day where you get your sparkle back!

Previous Retreats at Cressbrook Creek






I am holding regular "one-day" retreats, and evening min-retreats at my farm.

These are always mind-blowing and my clients have enormous breakthroughs.

Some of the experiences at the retreats are safe seats, which is one-on-one coaching, Aroma Re-set, where you can reset a thought pattern, Aroma Freedom Technique which breaks through old memories to release blocks stopping you from your goals, and the Foundational Seven Laws of Attraction combined with Seven Essential Oils which will break through the toughest blocks in your life!

There is also amazing, yummy food, which is fresh, decadent, but healthy!

And, sometimes there is yoga, Tai Chi, or pilates.

I love to mix it up and have an awesome day where you really do get your sparkle back.

I would love for you to join me in the adventure and the breakthroughs that happen at the retreat.

The dates for the upcoming retreats are below:

Finding Purpose and Passion.

When:  Saturday, March 16th, 12.00 p.m.

Where: Cressbrook Creek, 356 Turner Road, Marietta, G.A. 30066

Dress:  Come as you are!  We will be moving at some time in the day, so keep that in mind.

It's retreat time at Cressbrook Creek and if you've ever been you know you had a great time!  There will be amazing food, cooked by Kate herself, a surprise guest which will be announced closer to the event, Safe Seats for those who want to really dig deeper with Kate, coaching techniques using essential oils to really dig in deeper, goodie bags, and much more.

If you have felt stagnated, or have struggled over the last couple of years with any part of your life, this retreat is for you.  Have you felt like you lost time, or momentum, lost some of your passion, lost your desire, or felt like everything suddenly stopped?  This retreat WILL put you back on track or even find your track, so life can go on in a bigger and better way.

These last couple of years have taken on toll on everyone because life changed from what it was to a new normal we now are living in.  You can level up into this new normal in a way that excites you to move back into your purpose using the passion you have in your heart and mind.

At this retreat we will be working through how Purpose and Passion relate, The Belief Factor and why desire is not enough, looking at what is blocking you from achieving your desires, finding a resolution through a plan of action, and my favorite, Safe Seats.

This retreat is only for a small, intimate number of people.  Grab your seat, and hang on for a doozy of a day!

Go to the Register Now below for more information.  

The cost for the day is $147.00

You can also pay on this page if you so desire.  Either put your card in when the payment pops up or click on the button below! 


Kate and Jane in a "Safe Seat" for coaching

Jane wrote: 

Good morning, Kate!!

I'm trying to find the words to express how much I enjoyed your Saturday Retreat!!

I know I have gained a new understanding, emotional strength and mindset (believability) of this journey with Paul.

You are an excellent Life Coach and I am so glad to have you in my life as a family and a friend!!!

And wasn't Regina amazing too??!!

Thank you for my little Goody Bag - the contents are just right for me. And thanks for all my other little prizes.

You're the best!

Thank you, Kate.

Angela wrote:

Thank you so much for today! I am truly grateful and thankful for you and all that you have done for me. This is was the best retreat I have ever been to!