Does the thought of preparing for the Holidays fill you with stress?
Do you dread the shopping, wrapping, cooking, decorating, cleaning up afterward, and all the mess that comes with "celebrating?"
Do you put it off until the last minute and find yourself stressed out wondering if you have left anything off your list?
Do you wish all of the above could be filled with joy and peace instead of stress?
Then I have the answer for you!
Every year around this time, I've coached an awesome group of ladies through my four-week program which helped to eliminate some of the stress, as well as the things they really didn't like to do.
You might ask, "what things?"
Well, there are shortcuts around some of the things that are expected in this season and this program will help you find your shortcuts, and the tasks you really don't have to do if you don't want to.
Here are some examples:
1. Cooking (even if it's for a small gathering)
2. Shopping for gifts.
3. Wrapping the gifts.
4. Decorating (the tree, yard, house, table, etc.)
5. Keeping yourself organized!
6. Managing the financial side of the season.
7. Food prep before the day.
8. The clean-up after the season.
9. Storing everything to re-use next time.
10. Doing it with ease and grace and eliminating stress.