Yes! You can change anything you desire!
Thank you for requesting my 5 Intentional Steps to Change!
While you're waiting for your email to arrive let me share an awesome next step for you to take!
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Hey Lovely Lady!

Are you ready to get off the "Island of Pain?"

That's the place where you are a "wee" bit stuck and focused on what isn't happening right now.

Do you really want to fulfill your dreams and goals?

Reaching your goals and dreams can be downright hard, especially when you feel like you've tried everything and nothing is working.

You cover it very well, and a lot of your friends and family haven't got a clue you are struggling with real issues.

Like, you don't feel like you have a purpose anymore, and you have no idea how to find it again.

You wonder where to find your motivation again and feel frustrated because, despite your efforts, nothing seems to get better or move forward in the direction you desire.

You'd love a magic fix, but also are smart enough to know to get out of this "rut" requires not only hard work but smart thinking.

If that sounds familiar, then this course is going to be the most important course you've ever taken.

But, before I tell you all about it, let me make this very clear.

This is going to require work on your part.

Finding your Purpose through Passion is easy to understand but needs you to implement change in your life, by how you choose to think and feel.

But if you apply yourself to doing all that's involved, and take small steps, then you will begin to easily create the successful life you want, and achieve the success you deserve.

Here's what I mean by that:

What I will teach you in this course is exactly how I have successfully changed how I think and understand my mind.  

Using the steps in Finding Purpose Through Passion, I have been able to let go of mindsets and beliefs I don't want and achieve the things I have desired in my heart for many years.  Also, my clients and colleagues have used these same principles to dramatically change their own lives by doing the worksheets, meditations, and goal sheets, so they can make small steps through every module.

This is how I have been able to get through hard places in life when circumstances caused a hic-up.  I've been able to assess where I was, acknowledge being stuck, and then deliberately create a way to get back on track to achieving my desires for my life.  You might ask how?  Because I learned how to understand how my brain worked.

By doing instead of staying stuck, I have been able to discern what thoughts/mindsets are working for me, and what doesn't serve me anymore. By coming to the realization that focusing on the lack of opportunity was not going to attract the success I really wanted!

Knowing how these steps work has made all aspects of my life easier and able me to power through amazing obstacles.  I have learned that even when my purpose seems foggy, recognizing and acknowledging where I am is crucial to my success in moving through and on to where my life has a purpose and I am living it. 

Practicing the faith to trust my desires to God, has brought incredible ideas both in business and personal areas of my life.  This includes successfully selling three major businesses with my partner, as well as changing countries, changing careers, adopting eight children, and growing in areas of life I never imagined possible. 

While the Bible doesn't explicitly address the concept of dealing with feelings during change, it does contain verses that provide guidance on finding strength and courage in times of uncertainty and transformation. 

One such scripture is found in the Old Testament, in the book of Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9 (NIV):
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

This verse encourages individuals to find strength and courage through their faith in God during times of change. It reminds us that even in the face of uncertainty, God's presence is a source of comfort and reassurance. While it doesn't specifically mention feelings, it emphasizes the importance of overcoming fear and discouragement, which are common emotional responses during periods of change, through faith and trust in a higher power.

Here's what I've learned and practiced.  

1. That whatever I'm focused on expands.  
2. The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
3. How to flip the switch in my brain to get out of "stuck" mode.
4. How to recognize the program my brain wants to run to keep me so-called "safe."
5. How to create new beliefs to intentionally plan and move ahead.
6. Recognizing that your mind can play tricks on you.
7. How to successfully move through any obstacle in life leaning on Jesus.



I'm not suggesting that everyone (or anyone for that matter) who does this course will change their lives.  Unfortunately, it's also likely that many who purchase this course will not change or implement these steps into their lives because they won't do the course in a consistent manner

Even with everything spelled out, and all the information at their fingertips.

Your ultimate success will ALWAYS  be your responsibility.


Someone who is a serious doer, who will take action and begin to implement these steps to getting unstuck into your life immediately.

So, if you are interested in manifesting the desires of your heart, and want to know about Finding Your Purpose through Passion and how that will  change your life, then it's time to step up and step out and "get cracking!"  Or, get on it, let's do it!

It's time to promise yourself you won't be one of those people that does little or nothing with this course, but make this a defining moment in your life to step into the future you want to create.

So with that understood, let me tell you more about the course...............

(Hey if you just want to skip to the chase and get this awesome deal!!!)


What you will get with this course:

1.  Six modules with 6-8 lessons in each module. 
2. Workbooks, meditations, and goal sheets in every module.
3. Ongoing tips and tidbits in my FB group.
4. Units in the FB group where there will be ongoing mindset learning.
5. Live training by me within the FB group.
6. Bonus Emotional Freedom Session
7. A free copy of my book Find Your Purpose/Find Your Passion................... A Mindset Book.

The total value of all of this is around $1000, but I have drastically discounted it so you can easily afford it.

So there you have it!

I can guarantee you will learn the actual steps you need to Find your Purpose and find how to do that through your passions.


If you're still reading this you must be pretty interested in finding out more about taking the next step so I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore here's what your investment will be:


Your total investment for this course is.....................


Ridiculous right?


This course normally costs a lot more than this, but in these times I know that YOU need this valuable information to pivot and change your direction to expand all the things you want.....

So hit the button below and get started today!!

See you on the course!