Hey darls,  are you up for a challenge?

Hey there!!

I want to share something super huge for me.

I'm in a challenge, a big one.

One that's scary!

I'm doing an Aroma Freedom Technique on myself every day for this challenge!

Have you ever taken on a challenge?

What did it feel like?

And, did you succeed in your challenge?

Sometimes we get stuck!

When we stay stuck, our dreams and goals can literally go down the toilet!

We are in historic times, where fear has crept in and can keep us "stuck" not knowing how to get going again!

Doing a FUN challenge can help us get going and encouraging each other to do the same!

So, I'm giving you 15 days to get ready for the challenge.

Some tips to get ready:  

Go to your FB and make a list of friends (at least 30) you haven't reached out to in a while.

Write beside their names how you know them and what connects you to each other.

Go back to your FB and find friends who you think might struggle with a health problem that you have an oil, or recipe that might help them. (at least 30)

Write beside their names how you found out about this problem and where you know each other.

I promise you this will be FUN and you will reconnect with friends that you haven't shared anything in a while.

We're going to start this on the 15th of June and finish on the 30th of June!

For those who participate, there'll be a prize from me for the one who is most consistent.

More details to come so watch for the next information on Go-Getters!

If you're not on Go-Getters on FB here's the link, go and join and let's have fun!

Talk soon,



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