Consistency is hard enough at any time let alone when the going gets tough.  Our brain is not geared to like to work hard in fact, our brains are wired to conserve energy, which often leads to taking the path of least resistance. This natural inclination toward laziness can make it tempting to avoid challenges or fall into easy routines, as our minds prioritize short-term comfort over long-term growth.

Our brains are also geared towards patterns, especially familiar patterns because they offer a sense of safety and predictability. Recognizing and repeating known patterns allows the brain to operate more efficiently, reducing cognitive load. When faced with new information or experiences, the brain must work harder to process and adapt, which requires more energy. This is why habits, even ones that may not serve us well, can be so hard to break—they provide a mental shortcut that our brains prefer over the uncertainty of change.

However, this preference for familiarity can also keep us stuck in unproductive or even harmful cycles. When our brains become too comfortable with certain patterns, we may resist new opportunities or challenges that could lead to growth. This aversion to change is rooted in our desire for stability, but it can limit our potential. To grow, it's essential to push beyond the comfort of the familiar and challenge our brains to embrace new experiences, fostering resilience and adaptability.

So, when we are faced with adversity or tough times, our brains like to check out.  The extra load of trying to maintain the familiar while dealing with a problem can send it off the rails.  Suddenly, your determination to keep a healthy routine is now overruled by your brain trying to deal with a new situation and adapt to it.  In times of adversity, our brains naturally resist consistency because they prioritize survival over routine. 

When faced with stress or uncertainty, the brain shifts into a heightened state of alertness, focusing on immediate threats rather than long-term goals. This fight-or-flight response, designed to protect us, can make it difficult to stick to regular habits or maintain discipline. Instead of consistency, the brain seeks quick solutions and relief, often leading to impulsive decisions, procrastination, or avoidance.

Additionally, adversity disrupts the brain’s sense of stability, making it harder to focus on consistent actions. The mental energy needed to manage stress and navigate challenges often depletes the cognitive resources required for discipline and routine. As a result, maintaining consistency can feel like an uphill battle, as the brain prioritizes coping mechanisms over sticking to plans. Overcoming this instinct requires conscious effort and strategies that remind the brain of the long-term benefits of consistency, even when short-term comfort is tempting.

So, what's the answer to keeping your consistency in your business, health, and daily routines, when tough times happen?  Overcoming the brain’s resistance during tough times requires intentional strategies that help reinforce consistency and resilience. Here are some effective methods:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness helps to calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase awareness of negative thought patterns. Meditation trains the brain to stay present, making it easier to manage anxiety and maintain focus on long-term goals rather than short-term discomfort.
  2. Break Goals into Small Steps: When facing adversity, large tasks can feel overwhelming. By breaking goals into smaller, manageable steps, you reduce the mental burden and make it easier for your brain to commit to consistent action. Celebrating small wins along the way can also boost motivation and reinforce positive behavior.
  3. Establish Routines: Creating a consistent daily routine can provide stability and a sense of control during chaotic times. Even small rituals, like morning exercise or a set bedtime, can anchor your day and help the brain navigate uncertainty by providing familiar structure.
  4. Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations: During tough times, negative self-talk can easily take over, reinforcing the brain’s instinct to avoid challenges. Replacing these thoughts with positive affirmations helps to shift your mindset, encouraging resilience and a commitment to your goals, even when it's difficult.
  5. Seek Support and Accountability: Sharing your challenges with a friend, coach, or support group can provide the encouragement needed to stay consistent. External accountability adds pressure to follow through on commitments, helping to counteract the brain’s urge to take the easy way out.
  6. Focus on the ‘Why’: Reminding yourself of the deeper reasons behind your goals can strengthen your resolve. When you reconnect with your purpose, it becomes easier to push through discomfort, as the brain recognizes the value of staying consistent despite adversity.
By using these strategies, you can train your brain to prioritize consistency and resilience, even when facing tough times.

If you are in a "tough" time and need to chat about it, go HERE for a complimentary consultation.

In times of adversity, you require change. Grab my free guide to the " 5 Steps to Change" HERE!

Get your copy of my book "Find Your Purpose, Find Your Passion" HERE!  FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY AT $3.99!


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