Mindfulness takes consistency and effort........... Kate Penwarn Thompson

Recently I was thinking about how I could explain to my clients about mindfulness, and mindset, in a way that made more sense and that was also a visual tool. I originally came up with the three "C's" and then it expanded into Five "C's". 

So what are these five things that can help you begin to change your mindset around the things you don't want and believe that you can create the things that you do want. The first "C" stands for Cancel. Let me tell you a little more about that.

Here are 5 tips on canceling a negative thought
  1. Acknowledge the thought and remind yourself that it is only a thought, not a fact.
  2. Acknowledge your feeling and let it pass through. 
  3. Take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment.
  4. Practice gratitude daily to help shift your mindset to a more positive one.
  5. Talk to a friend or family member about the thought and get their perspective.
So let's take the first step. To acknowledge the thought you have be aware of it, which is being mindful. So many thoughts come through your brain every day and are generally very familiar therefore making it difficult to acknowledge if you're not practicing mindfulness.

Here’s 5 tips to practice mindfulness
  1. Focus on your breath: Take a few moments to simply focus on your breath and the sensation of inhaling and exhaling.
  2. Take a mindful walk: When you take a walk, pay attention to the sights, smells, and sounds around you. Notice how your body moves and shifts with each step. 
  3. Enjoy the present moment: Take a few moments to appreciate the little things in life. Notice the beauty around you, the taste of your food, the warmth of the sun.
  4. Practice acceptance: Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come up, and observe them without judgement.
  5. Set aside time for yourself: Dedicate some time each day to practice mindfulness. This could be as short as 10 minutes or as long as an hour.
Practicing these tips can help you to begin to CANCEL unwanted thoughts causing negative feelings that stop you from creating the things you desire. Learning to disrupt negative thoughts also increases your belief that you can achieve the desires of your heart.

Some essential Oils that help to increase awareness, lock in belief, and cancel negative thoughts are:  Clarity, Believe, Transformation, Inner Child, and my new favorite Inner Child.  You can go HERE to check out these oils from Young Living.

I have a whole online program that goes hand in hand with these principles. You can get a free guide HERE

Or you can jump to the program and check it out HERE!
I also have a few free consults available. If you struggle with moving forward, negative thoughts, or any combination, you can set up a free consult with me HERE! 

That's it for now! Have an awesome weekend!


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