When Your Brain Keeps Shouting  "WHAT IF?"

We are living in historical times.

And, there is a lot of feelings of panic everywhere you look, and every time you turn on the TV.

So, how are you feeling?

What thoughts are weighing you down?

Because, that's just what they are, thoughts.

Mostly, your brain is constantly saying things like, "What if I lose my house, my car......?"

Or the worst one, "what if I get this virus?"

And, those thoughts are shouting in your head.

It's like that other person has come out from inside and has taken over every logical thought you can have.

Thoughts like these paralyze us.

They stop our momentum in all areas of our lives.

Yet, we don't have to have those thoughts.

We can see this time as an opportunity, not a crisis.

When we stay stuck in our worrisome thoughts we just keep pushing against the flow and start going upstream or uphill.

Our focus gets stuck.

But, it DOESN'T have to be like that!

I can tell you so many stories about when "crisis" happened in my life and when I really looked hard, that crisis became an opportunity.

I also know, at least for me and mine, this is the time to use all your tools to help calm your mind and have peace in times of trouble.

Now more than ever my essential oils are an absolute necessity!

And, doing my Aroma Freedom processes.  

These things keep me flowing in the Law of Attraction and keeps my focus on where it should be.

In the present.

Not the past.

Not the future.

But doing everything I can to stay on track with my goals and dreams.

Being present, knowing and being in touch with your inner spirit will give grounding, hope, and realization that there will be an end to the current situation.

I have wonderful blends of essential oils that truly help me release anxiety, calm, and stir up my creativity to keep focused.

I will post a wonderful DIY for you tomorrow to stay focused and be present.

In these times where worry creeps in, I have a special offer for you.

I want to be here for you!

So, I am offering a complimentary coaching or Aroma Freedom Technique session. 

CLICK HERE to get in touch for your own personal session over coffee with me.

p.s. remember don't let your thoughts run away with "what if's!"


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