I have been in my quiet place.


To pray, think, reflect, and listen.

Sometimes, life can get so "busy," and somewhat chaotic, to the point where it seems to be on auto pilot.  Walking a path that is familiar, almost repetitive, with no new inspiration, just the same old, same old.  It's not easily recognized because it's routine, ingrained, and habitual. It becomes draining, unproductive, and eventually sucks the life out of you.

About fourteen months ago I had a total knee replacement.  It had been on the cards for a few years and finally I got to a place where life had become miserable.  I was unable to walk properly, and I was suffering with pain.  It put me on my hiney to say the least.  It was tough, painful, and a long recovery.  It also threw me out of the day to day life I was living and I felt robbed of "familiar" routines that I was used to.  My energy was taken up with recovery and being able to walk again.  That meant physical therapy two or three times a week, and at least twice daily at home.  It was painful.  There was not a lot of sleep.  My life as I knew it was disrupted.

I kept trying to get back on the same path I was on.  It wasn't working.  Then, on one of the many sleepless nights I had, I had divine inspiration for my new book.  I actually got out of the bed and wrote it down so I wouldn't forget it.  Sort of what I do when I get a song idea in the middle of the night.  Only this was a book.  It was about reseting emotions and thoughts around old habits, behaviors, relationships, and changing them for the better.

"The One Minute Emotional RESET."

Little did I know how this tiny book of inspiration would actually change my life and the path that I was on.

And yet, realizing a change of direction was in my future, did not happen overnight.  It took doors closing, other doors opening, routines becoming so impossible to maintain that they dried up.  Being forced to stop my mind going in a hundred directions and begin to search for answers. I ran into walls and doors that looked pretty good before though now they looked like they were blocking out what had been and I had to work out why.

In writing this book of divine inspiration, I finally had my eyes open to the fact that you have to shovel out what's been done, or not working anymore, to make way for new things to prosper.  In fact Ecclesiastes 3:1 says:

"To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven."

This is followed by a well-known passage listing various times and seasons in life, such as "a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted."

It was time to change direction.  Wow!  Why does it take so long to realize when the season is done and God has something new and exciting waiting for you to wake up and step into!

Letting go of anything, whether it's been good, or bad, isn't easy.  "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven."  And, sometimes the season looks good!  When this happens it's hard to see the season is done.  Though is it just a perception that it's still "good?"  Nothing stays stagnant, everything is mean to grow and change.  What works for a while may not always be the case.  When disruption, or interruption happens, that's a sign.  A sign it's time for a change and to recognize we need to pivot, and move on.  I'm plucking up what I have planted, and am replanting, fresh new seeds that will sprout into the next season God has planned for me.

What is disrupting or interrupting your life right now?  Is it a behavior, a relationship, a habit, a slump, or dissatisfaction with a situation that's not working for you anymore?

Letting go makes room for new beginnings, inspiration, and growth.

Would you like to explore and have a chat about it?  CLICK HERE!

If you'd like a free resource I have about change CLICK HERE!




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