When you have to make a change in your life, it comes down to choosing to do that.

Our choices are important, every one of them.


Because your choice will ultimately give you your outcome in any situation.

Changing your thoughts simply comes down to making the decision that you don't desire something in your life anymore.

Making that decision to choose differently may take some time to recognize this is not how you desire to live your life. Though, when you make that decision it is generally made very quickly.  The reason for that is that you have finally had enough of the situation, the attitude, or the behavior.  In under a minute, you can and will embrace the change you desire and then you will end it.

Recently, I made a huge decision in my own life.  A habit I had mulled over for a very long time though when I chose to change I did so in just a moment or two.

Often it is recognizing finally you don't desire to keep this habit or attitude and it's done.  Gone. Over.  You chose to end it.

Years, or should I say decades ago I picked up the horrible habit of smoking.  I was going through a divorce with two small children, singing for my supper, and not getting a lot of spare time or sleep.  The "gals" I sang with in a four-girl cabaret act all smoked.  I found myself joining them and suddenly, or not so suddenly, I had a habit that I didn't desire that was detrimental to my health and my voice.  Yet, I smoked for several years even though I hated it.

When the moment came that I hated the habit enough to quit, that happened in under a minute.  I made the decision and I believe because of prayer I never picked one up again.  It was ended.  

I embraced the change, I made the choice, and I conquered the challenge of not smoking a cigarette ever again.

I felt so free!

When you have a strong desire to change a habit or attitude, the freedom that comes from choosing to do so is incredible!

Habits are just that.  A way of living that has become normal even if it is something you don't desire.  Breaking the habit comes from recognizing it and then choosing to end it.

Your mind is a powerful part of your body.  Your mind controls your brain where all these habits are formed.  Your brain, of course, doesn't like change which causes us to take time to overrule it with our conscious mind.

The great part is your mind is in control and can make the change when it fully decides to.

What habit or attitude would you like to change?  


You can embrace the change, make the choice, and conquer the challenge.

I'll leave you with a verse from the bible that says it all!

Philippians 4:13:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

This verse emphasizes the strength and empowerment that comes from faith in Christ, which can be applied to embracing change, making important decisions, and overcoming difficulties.


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