Where's life as we knew it.......................

Life has changed, whether you like it or not, and you get to choose about that.

By that, I mean, you can choose to be grateful for everything in your life, or choose to live in fear and doubt about your future.

The Essential Law of Deliberate Creation sums that up very well.

What you focus on, or what you put your energy on, is what you will create.

Let's dig into that a little deeper.

So, if you're focused on being unhappy about the things you think you can't have, you will create more unhappiness and your energy will be directed at finding more and more things wrong.

When you can understand that life will not always be as we would like it to be, we still have many things to be grateful for and when we focus on those things, we expand the positive and release any resistance or limiting thoughts.

Ok, so what does resistance look like, and what do I mean by that?

Resistance comes in the form of fear, doubt, anxiety, disappointment, loneliness, lack, sadness, confusion, stress, anger, hurt, resentment, envy, jealousy, blame, guilt, boredom, depression, and judgment.

When you begin to have these feelings, you can and should feel the feeling, but hanging onto it only leads us to create by default.

BUT, the good news is you don't have to create something you don't want!

You get to choose what you want to create by using a few of the tips I'm going to give you right now!

When you understand that there's no limit to what you can create in your life, and align your thoughts, intentions, emotions, feelings, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, clear expectations and words, deeds, and actions, you create what it is that you desire!

Here are a few ways to deliberately create the life you want:

  • Declare your intention.
  • Feel it like it's already done and believe it.
  • Think about it, focus on it and pay attention as to WHY you want it.
  • Have a timeline or time frame in mind.
  • Be grateful NOW for already receiving it.
  • Expect success
  • Take every required step to get it done.
  • Trust the process and remain detached from the results.
I could go on and tell you more but you can get a free copy of my small Ebook about focus.  This is a gift to you that will easily explain how your mind can and will lead to astray trying to protect you!  You can download it here access below!

Being mindful, and having the mindset that you need to manifest and create the life of your dreams, takes time, purpose, intent, desire, and the belief that you will trust the process to achieve your goals.

If you would like to know more about The Seven Essential Laws and how they work in your life, I have an awesome digital, online course that you can access.  This is a very in-depth way to learn how all of these Essential Laws work together for you to be able to attract and create the life you are wanting.  This course is for the ridiculous price of............................$67

You can access it HERE!

I am here to tell you YOU_CAN_HAVE_IT_ALL!

If you'd like to have a virtual coffee chat with me you can click below and make a time on my calendar!

Have an awesome blessed week!!

What are you grateful for?

What are you grateful for?

This has been a tough month for me, with lots of challenges.

No COVID 19, but a pretty nasty virus just the same.

It got me thinking.

About being grateful for what I have.............

And for God's faithfullness in all ways.

Including Abundance.

Many people think Abundance is wealth, like as in money.

Abundance is wealth in all areas of your life, including relationships, health, emotions and money.

Money is not an evil word, it's just energy.

It's the energy we choose to buy and sell things we need in our life.

So what if we became grateful for all the abundance that is in our lives, even the stuff we are currently not seeing as being abundant?

What if you committed with me for 30 days in November to be grateful for our abundance that is coming in the form of blessings every day?

What if you committed with me to not complain, not even once, but gave thanks for every situation in the month of November?

This is my challenge to me, and I am extending it to you!

For this challenge, you will need the following.......

(a) a notebook or journal

(b) Abundance Young Living Essential Oil

(c) Gratitude Young Living Essential Oil

(d) Ten minutes daily for your affirmations

(e) Ten minutes five days a week to tune into the FB group to catch the live where I will be giving the affirmation and a very short meditation on what we are grateful for today.

So, are you in!!!

Go over to Go-Getters FB page (here's the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/184891895587010)
and comment with "I'm in!"

This is going to be awesome!

This is going to kick 2021 in the you know where for a great start to the holidays and the New Year!

Does your Crown slip now and then?

Does your Crown slip now and then?

How often have you felt you lost momentum and have missed the boat?

Like, one moment you are the queen, and next you feel like Cinderella, resigned to the kitchen.

Yup, been there and sometimes I still go there....................

it creeps up on you!

I did that last week..............turned around and suddenly..............

my crown had slipped sideways!

So, let me back up for a minute.

Truthfully, I'd been working really hard and really "doing" a lot of stuff, when both amazing hubby and I got some sort of little bug.

Bug, as in a virus or something.

We both felt a little giddy and not up to our usual walk, so I slowed the pace.

Well, lovely, if you know me at all, I don't do slow well.

I began to tell myself I had lost my place in what I was doing, instead of accepting sometimes you need to slow it down!

Slowing down is just pausing really.  Pausing for a moment to gather your strength back so you can put that crown firmly where it belongs...............on your head!

Because girlies, we're all in charge of our own kingdoms, the ones we deliberately create.

We get to wear the crown and own every part of how we show up, even if today is a "pause" day.

You see, if we're not careful we never stop to smell the coffee, pick the rose or enjoy all aspects of our life.

This has been one doozy of a year so far, enough for me to know our health and our loved ones come first.

We can work ourselves into the ground in the name of growth, "doing," getting ahead, or launching a product, but if that turns into us not having our "whole health" then it's not worth it.


You can always restart because a Queen is never late, everything is always right on time.

What I did discover when I "paused" was a few old thoughts that didn't serve me anymore and after doing some Aroma Freedom Techniques on myself, felt fresh and re-energized.

I got to dig in deep and find out why I needed to take a step back.

Have a look at what wasn't serving me anymore.

What thoughts and habits I needed to ditch to be more productive with less effort.

Does anything resonate?

Do you need to just take a "pause" and see what's not working anymore?

If you need help with that, I can tell you an Aroma Freedom session will clear the cobwebs and get clarity for you.

If you've never experienced that and would like to contact me here!

What I can tell you is that I have been doing this technique with a group of South African ladies and they have had awesome breakthroughs.

Getting rid of blocks, and old memories that are not serving them, in fact, they are downright stopping them from going forward.

So, I'd love to chat!  Just go here and I see you on the call!

p.s. don't forget to "pause!"

Your Brain and Essential Oils

Your Brain and Essential Oils

I'm not a Scientist, a Doctor, or even a Therapist, but I know the smell of particular Essential Oils can affect and influence my mood, feelings, and thoughts which of course includes my actions.

This was something I stumbled upon.

But, when I did, it changed how I lived my everyday life.


Well, as a Life Coach, I know that my thoughts can rule my day, and if those thoughts are negative ones, they can begin to play havoc with my goals, and dreams.

In the world we are living in right now, it's hard not to have negative thoughts.

There's chaos in every sort of media, and it leads to frustration, anger, sadness, and overwhelm.

All of those feelings are valid, and feelings are just waves that wash over us if we let them.

But, what happens when our feelings seem to envelop us?

How do we escape the cycle?

The answer is pretty simple, as in, change your thought!

But, actually knowing that and doing that, isn't easy sometimes.

When the cycle of negative thoughts and feelings seems hard to escape and is now interfering with your goals, and the way you want to live, then I have a great way to break that cycle!

As a Life Coach, I know that our thoughts lead to our feelings, which lead to our actions and outcome, but sometimes changing a thought can become a difficult task.

And, that's where Essential Oils meet Essential Laws!

Using Young Living Essential Oils to dig into why those negative thoughts are coming up for us is just awesome!

I will never forget being in the Young Living Lavender fields and how that smelled and felt!

Lavender!  The Swiss Army Knife of oils!

It's calming, relaxing, uplifting, and helps us release old beliefs and memories which trigger some of our current emotional responses to the global situation occurring at the moment.

There are so many oils that combined with Life Coaching and the Universal Laws, that can and will change your thinking about old beliefs that do not serve you anymore.

If you're struggling with thoughts or old beliefs I would love to help you.

Thursday 25th, June, 6.00.p.m. I am doing an "on the house" Aroma Freedom Technique session with a little Life Coaching thrown in.

This is going to be via Zoom!

I would love for you to join in and participate.

If you would love to have a one on one virtual coffee chat with me, just click HERE!

If you would like to jump into a small taste of coaching with 7 Essential Laws and 7 Essential Oils click HERE!

Have an awesome week!


What Happened To The Me I Know ?

What Happened To The Me I Know ?

I went to Costco earlier today.

Life as we knew it has definitely changed.

I wouldn't have believed what I saw today if you'd told me this just two short months ago.

Everyone was wearing masks.

There was no food court.

Everything was changed.

Have you felt you've changed through this?

Have you suddenly stopped?

And, now that things are opening up, are you still staying home because you're afraid?

Fear can change us to the point we don't recognize who we are because we've lost our sense of purpose.

Has your purpose changed from two months ago?

Some of us were leading ministries in our church.

Some were working at their jobs that are no longer there.

Everyone has become a chef whether you can cook or not, and a teacher while working from home.

We are NOT the same as we were.

But, have you GROWN through this?

Have you found a new sense of purpose or do you need a kick start?

Or, have you gone back to work and found it's not what you want to do anymore?

Have you found a greater faith than you had before?

I've got a gift for you today and I hope you read it and find where you are in this unusual time.

You see, what we focus on is what we get.

If you focus on the fear, the isolation, and the lack of normalcy as we know it, then that's what will become your life.

If you focus on going forward, growing in your faith, and finding ways to pivot to a new place, then that's what will become your new life.   

So give me a grin, have a laugh, and find the new improved you that's going to leap into this new and changing world.

I'm here if you want to chat.  Just contact me and we can have that virtual coffee and solve the problems of the world!!

P.S.  Here's the LINK to get your EBook,  Get Your Focus On!

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