10 things about Self Coaching you should know!

Let's talk about why self-coaching can be life-changing in all areas of life.

Self-coaching is a powerful approach to personal growth and development. It involves taking on the role of both the coach and the coachee, allowing you to guide yourself toward your desired goals and outcomes. Self-coaching empowers you to become more self-aware, reflective, and proactive in your journey of self-improvement. It involves setting clear objectives, identifying obstacles, and developing strategies to overcome them. 

Through self-coaching, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, and your areas for improvement. You can set realistic action plans, monitor your progress, and make necessary adjustments along the way. Self-coaching provides a sense of autonomy and ownership over one's personal development, leading to increased self-confidence and a greater sense of fulfillment.

One of the key benefits of self-coaching is the ability to tailor the process to individual needs and preferences. It allows you to explore your unique perspectives and insights, promoting a more personalized and meaningful growth experience. Self-coaching also fosters a sense of accountability, as you take responsibility for your actions and decisions. 

You become an active participant in your own development, which can lead to increased motivation and a stronger commitment to achieving your goals. Moreover, self-coaching can be a lifelong skill that you can apply to various aspects of your life, empowering you to learn, adapt, and grow continuously. By embracing self-coaching, you can unlock your full potential and create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations.

Here are five benefits of self-coaching:

  1. Increased Self-Awareness: Self-coaching enables you to develop a deep understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, values, and aspirations. By exploring your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you gain insight into what drives you and what holds you back. This heightened self-awareness allows for more intentional decision-making and empowers you to align your actions with your true self.
  2. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Through self-coaching, you learn to identify and analyze challenges and obstacles that stand in the way of your goals. You develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling you to come up with creative and effective strategies to overcome these challenges. Self-coaching encourages you to think outside the box, explore alternative perspectives, and find innovative solutions to problems.
  3. Greater Empowerment and Autonomy: Self-coaching puts you in the driver's seat of your personal growth journey. It fosters a sense of empowerment and ownership over one's life and development. Instead of relying on external sources for guidance, you become self-reliant and confident in your ability to navigate challenges and make decisions. This autonomy promotes a greater sense of control, freedom, and self-determination.
  4. Flexible and Personalized Approach: Self-coaching allows you to tailor the process to your unique needs, preferences, and circumstances. Unlike traditional coaching, self-coaching provides the freedom to explore personal insights, experiment with different strategies, and adapt the approach as needed. This flexibility enables you to create a coaching style that resonates with you, maximizing your growth potential.
  5. Lifelong Learning and Growth: Self-coaching is a lifelong skill that you can apply to various areas of your life. It encourages a growth mindset and a continuous pursuit of personal development. By becoming your own coach, you cultivate a habit of self-reflection, learning from your experiences, and continuously seeking opportunities for growth. Self-coaching equips you with the tools and mindset to adapt to change, embrace new challenges, and evolve throughout your life.
When you learn how to self coach yourself your chances of success in every area of your life increase.  Here are 5 ways that that will help

1. Clarity of Goals and Vision: Self-coaching helps individuals gain clarity about their goals, aspirations, and the vision they have for their lives. By engaging in self-reflection and asking powerful questions, individuals can define their objectives with precision and establish a clear roadmap toward success. This clarity increases their chances of success by providing a clear direction to focus their efforts and energy.

2. Personalized Strategies and Action Plans: Self-coaching allows individuals to design personalized strategies and action plans that are tailored to their unique strengths, interests, and circumstances. Instead of relying on generic approaches, individuals can leverage their self-awareness to identify the most effective methods to achieve their goals. This customized approach maximizes their chances of success by capitalizing on their individual strengths and minimizing potential obstacles.

3. Increased Accountability: Self-coaching cultivates a sense of accountability and personal responsibility. When individuals take on the role of both the coach and the coachee, they establish a strong commitment to their own success. By setting specific milestones, tracking progress, and holding themselves accountable for their actions, individuals become more motivated and driven to achieve their desired outcomes.

4. Self-Motivation and Resilience: Self-coaching fosters self-motivation and resilience, two crucial qualities for success. Through the process of self-reflection and goal-setting, individuals connect with their intrinsic motivations and the deeper reasons behind their aspirations. This internal drive helps individuals stay focused, overcome obstacles, and persevere in the face of setbacks or challenges.

5. Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Self-coaching promotes a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability. Individuals engage in ongoing self-reflection, seeking opportunities for growth and improvement. This mindset allows them to learn from their experiences, adjust their strategies as needed, and adapt to changing circumstances. By continuously honing their skills and expanding their knowledge, individuals increase their ability to navigate the path to success effectively.

Young Living Essential Oils I recommend for self-coaching are, Frankincense, Stress Away, Lavender, Peppermint, Citrus Fress, Lemon, and Peace and Calming.  HERE'S a link to check them out!

Grab my free resource "How Mindful Are You"  HERE!

If you would like a free consult book HERE!

Have an awesome week!

The Belief Factor. Do you know YOUR purpose?

Having a sense of purpose in life is essential for our overall well-being and fulfillment. It gives us a reason to wake up every day with motivation and enthusiasm. When we have a purpose, we have a clear goal or direction that guides our decisions and actions. It can give us a sense of meaning and satisfaction, as we feel like we are making a difference in the world or contributing to something greater than ourselves. 

A purpose can provide a sense of identity and help us understand our values and beliefs. It can also give us a sense of control and empowerment, as we take ownership of our lives and make decisions that align with our purpose.

Moreover, having a purpose in life can positively impact our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that people who have a sense of purpose have lower levels of stress and anxiety, are less likely to experience depression, and have better sleep quality. Having a purpose can also improve our cognitive function and brain health, as it gives us a reason to keep learning and growing. 

It can even prolong our lives, as research has linked a sense of purpose to a reduced risk of mortality. Overall, having a purpose in life is crucial for our well-being and can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

One way to find your purpose in life is to explore the things you are passionate about. Your passions are a great place to start when trying to identify your purpose because they are usually the things that give you the most joy and satisfaction. Start by making a list of the things you enjoy doing, the things that make you feel alive and engaged. Reflect on the times when you have lost track of time or felt completely immersed in an activity. These are often indications of your passions.

Once you have identified your passions, start thinking about how you can use them to make a positive impact on the world. For example, if you are passionate about writing, you could write articles or books that inspire people or help them solve problems. If you are passionate about music, you could use your talent to bring joy and entertainment to others, or you could write songs that convey meaningful messages. The key is to find ways to use your passions to contribute to something greater than yourself. By aligning your passions with a sense of purpose, you can find a fulfilling and meaningful way to live your life.

Here are five tips to find YOUR purpose in life!

  1. Explore your interests and passions: Start by making a list of the things you enjoy doing or the topics that you are passionate about. Consider what brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment. Think about the activities that you could engage in for hours without getting bored. These are often good indicators of your passions and can help you identify potential paths to finding your purpose.
  2. Identify your core values: Reflect on the things that matter most to you in life, such as integrity, honesty, kindness, or compassion. Understanding your core values can help you make decisions that align with your beliefs and bring a sense of meaning to your life.
  3. Try new things: Experiment with new activities, hobbies, or career paths that you have not tried before. This can help you discover new interests and passions that you never knew existed. It may also help you gain new skills and experiences that could be useful in identifying your purpose.
  4. Reflect on your life experiences: Consider the challenges, setbacks, or successes that you have experienced in life. Reflect on the lessons learned and how they have shaped your perspective or values. These experiences can help you identify areas of interest or passion that you may want to pursue further.
  5. Seek guidance and support: Talk to trusted friends, family members, or mentors about your journey to finding your purpose. Seek their advice, feedback, or insights on your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest. They may be able to provide valuable guidance and support as you navigate the process of discovering your purpose.
If this has been helpful, grab my free resource, The Five Stages of Change,  HERE!

To book a free coffee chat with me click HERE!

You can find my book Find Your Purpose/Find Your Passion HERE!

Are you sick of that old habit? It's time for a CHANGE!

Changing old habits and creating new ones can be a challenging but rewarding process. The key to success is to understand the habit loop and use it to your advantage. The habit loop consists of a cue, a routine, and a reward. The cue is the trigger that initiates the habit, the routine is the behavior or action that follows, and the reward is the positive outcome that reinforces the habit. To change an old habit, you need to identify the cue, find a new routine that satisfies the same reward, and repeat it until it becomes a new habit.

One effective way to change old habits and create new ones is to start small. Instead of trying to change everything at once, focus on one habit and work on it consistently. It's easier to make small changes that are sustainable over time than to try to make big changes that may be too overwhelming. For example, if you want to start exercising regularly, start with a 10-minute walk every day and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts.

Another helpful strategy for changing old habits and creating new ones is to enlist support from others. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals and habits, and who will encourage and motivate you. You can also find an accountability partner who will hold you accountable for your actions and provide feedback and support when needed. Having a support system can make the habit change process more enjoyable and rewarding, and increase your chances of success.

Identifying triggers that initiate behavior we want to change is an essential step towards changing those behaviors. Triggers are the cues or signals that initiate the behavior we want to change, and they can be internal or external. Internal triggers are thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that lead to the behavior, while external triggers are environmental cues that prompt the behavior. To identify triggers, it's important to pay close attention to our thoughts, feelings, and actions in different situations.

One effective way to identify triggers is to keep a journal or record of the behavior you want to change. Write down the date, time, and location of the behavior, as well as any thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that occurred before and after the behavior. This will help you identify patterns and triggers that are associated with the behavior. For example, if you notice that you always eat junk food when you're feeling stressed, the trigger for your behavior may be stress.
Another helpful strategy for identifying triggers is to ask yourself questions that help you explore the reasons behind the behavior. For example, you can ask yourself, "What am I feeling right now?" "What thoughts are going through my mind?" "What events or situations led to this behavior?" By asking these questions, you can gain insight into the triggers that are leading to the behavior you want to change.

Finally, it can be helpful to seek feedback from others. Ask friends or family members to observe your behavior and provide feedback on what they notice. They may be able to identify triggers that you haven't noticed or provide a different perspective on the behavior you want to change.

The Essential oils I love to use when dealing with old habits are, Lavender, Clarity, and Inner Child.  Here's my link if you'd like to check out amazing pure essential oils! CLICK HERE

Here's my free guide to the Five Stages of Change! CLICK HERE!

If you'd like to have a free coffee chat CLICK HERE!

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