You Attract What You Focus On

You Attract What You Focus On

Hey, my lovelies!

If you didn't already know, the Law of Attraction is at work in our lives.......... ALWAYS!

And, you know what?

I proved it to myself when I saw this gif!

With the whole pandemic going on around the globe, and the need to wear masks wherever we go, guess what I've been doing?

Making masks!

Guess what I've been attracting?

Requests for more and more masks!

And, yes, there has been donations and revenue...........................from masks!

But, do I want to make revenue from masks?


But, if my focus is primarily on making masks, that's what I WILL ATTRACT!


So, in this time of chaos, uncertainty, fear of the unknown, is this a good time for...................





So, I've decided to give my skills and abilities as a Life Coach and an Aroma Freedom Practitioner, and do a FaceBook live with Law of Attraction coaching along with Essential Oils using Aroma Freedom Techniques and the principles I've developed in my Coaching Program Seven Essential Laws + Seven Essential Oils!

I really don't want you to miss out on this, because using LOA with Essential Oils moves mountains!

Shifts fear, doubt as well as being overwhelmed by media full of negativity.

And, the fear of going back out there!

That's a real one for all of us.  Numbers say one thing, the media says another, and our leaders have another point of view.

Confusion is rife.

And, confusion does not need to be in our thoughts or creating actions right now.

I will be doing this on my coaching page, Kate Penwarn Thompson Life Coaching.  Here's the link to like and follow my page

Please join me and let's get back in our groove whether we're doing that from home or not!

I will be holding this on Thursday 30th April, at 7.00 p.m.  It will go for around about an hour or maybe a few minutes more as it's a group.

So, keep the date and I'll give you more details and remind you before we go live!

Love and success always!


p.s. there is no charge for this event!

Virtual Retreat Link and Information!

Virtual Retreat Link and Information!

Hey everyone!!!

Tonight is the night where I am hosting and coaching on a Virtual Retreat.  If you haven't registered please go HERE and register.

This is going to be an awesome time of resetting mindsets and clearing out upset from the experience we are all having being isolated, or sheltering in place.

Retreats at the farm, Cressbrook Creek, in the past have been awesome times of having breakthroughs, finding and getting to know new friends, as well as learning and taking away new mindsets about past upsets.

So, go HERE to register.

And, save this link for the meeting tonight.  This is the Zoom link that will take you straight to the meeting. 

Kate Thompson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Kate Thompson's Zoom Virtual Retreat Meeting
Time: Apr 17, 2020, 06:00 PM Eastern Time (the US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 960 8945 2140
Password: 076807
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Meeting ID: 960 8945 2140
Password: 076807
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If you don't have Zoom download the app from

If clicking on the link doesn't work go to Go-Getters FaceBook page the link will be there as well.

Can't wait to see you tonight!


Have You Got Your Virtual On?

It's the era of virtual everything, other than going to the grocery store or the pharmacy!

And, after all this time of sheltering in place.................

How's it going???????

Well, for us here, it's not a lot different because we both work from home, but is there a lot more work, like cooking, etc?

Heck yeah!

And, you think you've stocked up but with six teens to twenties home?

The pantry and fridge now have locks!!!!  LOL! 😂 

Not really, but it sure feels like I've become a B & B or a restaurant, and a full-time cleaner!

Seriously though, all jokes aside, I miss our social life.

I miss eating out with friends, or just popping by.

I miss browsing at the grocery store.

I miss my space!

But, this crisis which has thrown us all for a loop, really can be our opportunity as well.

For instance, I haven't done much sewing in years.

I used to sew everything, and now there's been a need to get that sewing machine out of the dust and get making masks.

I have loved it!!

How are you feeling?

Are you struggling with loneliness, or feeling like this is never going to end?

Mindset, and how our brains react to a crisis is different for all of us, but if we continue to see this as only a crisis, our brains are geared to protect us with thoughts that sometimes are not good for us.

Our brain thinks it's releasing adrenaline to protect us, to put our guard up, but in fact, can lead us to be over-anxious and panicky!

What can you do that could turn your crisis into your opportunity?

Have you stopped reaching out to friends other than by text or FaceBook?

Do you miss seeing your friends' faces?

There are other ways to connect and still see each other virtually!

And in saying that, I know how much I love to see many of you at get-togethers and retreats at my home, so I have something for you!!


When: Friday 17th April, 6.00 P.M. via Zoom!

Complete with coaching, Aroma Freedom Processes with Essential Oils, and a Health Coach who's jumping on from Canberra, Australia.

Are some of these things familiar right now?

1.  You've been caught snacking too much!

2. You've been forgetting how your Essential Oils can be your lifesaver in these moments?

3. Do you need to change some thinking from worrying back to creating new possibilities?

4.  You're losing the battle with feeling "locked-in"  and need to see some friendly faces?

If any of those relate, then this is a great time to turn it around while having a great evening in your ballgown, or your pj's!  It's entirely up to you.

And, yup I know finances are a wee bit tight and worrisome.  So, I have made this so affordable you can jump on and have a great time without breaking your bank at all.

Less than your coffee take out at Starbucks! (unless you drink it black as I do then I guess it would be two take-outs)!


And, invite a friend or two to join you!

Because it's virtual, there's room for everyone!

No number or space restrictions.

In these times we need each other, so I hope I'll see your face on Friday 17th April, at 6.00 P.M. on ZOOM!

(Link will be sent by email to those participating)

When Your Brain Keeps Shouting "WHAT IF?"

When Your Brain Keeps Shouting  "WHAT IF?"

We are living in historical times.

And, there is a lot of feelings of panic everywhere you look, and every time you turn on the TV.

So, how are you feeling?

What thoughts are weighing you down?

Because, that's just what they are, thoughts.

Mostly, your brain is constantly saying things like, "What if I lose my house, my car......?"

Or the worst one, "what if I get this virus?"

And, those thoughts are shouting in your head.

It's like that other person has come out from inside and has taken over every logical thought you can have.

Thoughts like these paralyze us.

They stop our momentum in all areas of our lives.

Yet, we don't have to have those thoughts.

We can see this time as an opportunity, not a crisis.

When we stay stuck in our worrisome thoughts we just keep pushing against the flow and start going upstream or uphill.

Our focus gets stuck.

But, it DOESN'T have to be like that!

I can tell you so many stories about when "crisis" happened in my life and when I really looked hard, that crisis became an opportunity.

I also know, at least for me and mine, this is the time to use all your tools to help calm your mind and have peace in times of trouble.

Now more than ever my essential oils are an absolute necessity!

And, doing my Aroma Freedom processes.  

These things keep me flowing in the Law of Attraction and keeps my focus on where it should be.

In the present.

Not the past.

Not the future.

But doing everything I can to stay on track with my goals and dreams.

Being present, knowing and being in touch with your inner spirit will give grounding, hope, and realization that there will be an end to the current situation.

I have wonderful blends of essential oils that truly help me release anxiety, calm, and stir up my creativity to keep focused.

I will post a wonderful DIY for you tomorrow to stay focused and be present.

In these times where worry creeps in, I have a special offer for you.

I want to be here for you!

So, I am offering a complimentary coaching or Aroma Freedom Technique session. 

CLICK HERE to get in touch for your own personal session over coffee with me.

p.s. remember don't let your thoughts run away with "what if's!"

Have you got foggy brain with all this coronavirus?

Have you got foggy brain with all this coronavirus?

There's a lot coming at us with the crisis that is going on in the world and in our country today.

So much so, that it can quite fog up your brain with nothing else but thoughts of dread, gloom, and doom.

These thoughts can cause fear, anxiety and overwhelm.

Isolation can be thought of as loneliness, or a time to be quiet, learn and re-connect with family members.

When fear thoughts appear and cause heightened anxiety, they are attached to another memory, one that has caused the exact same reaction.

These days I am living with Valor essential oil on my desk and applying often.  

I have other essential oils diffusing to give calm and help with germs in the air.

But, if you really are fighting fear this will get in your head and can totally turn your brain into mush so it seems like you really don't have a brain at all.

As Dorothy in Wizard of OZ said......................

And, that's true!!

Because your brain is only telling you what it's learned.

A pattern of fear that comes from memory.

Probably buried pretty deep down there.

And then, this leads to damaging your self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem and most of all puts your focus on negative energy instead of positive.

I know that when all I can think about is what is negative it leads to crashing to a full stop.

How do I get out of that?

Well, I have lots of tools (processes) and essential oils to match these, to release and define just where the root of all of this is.

There are combinations of oils, and blends that will help you to release these memories and old beliefs so much quicker using processes.

Because of these special times, I have a great offer for you.

I am prepared to gift you an Aroma Freedom Technique session with oils,  through either Skype, Messenger or Zoom.

And yes!  I'm serious.

You are my people.

If you are interested, please click on the link HERE!

I am also gifting one hour of coaching with oils (7 Laws and 7 Essentials).  Contact me HERE!

Have a great week and stay safe and healthy!

Use those oils!

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