When Your Brain Keeps Shouting "WHAT IF?"

When Your Brain Keeps Shouting  "WHAT IF?"

We are living in historical times.

And, there is a lot of feelings of panic everywhere you look, and every time you turn on the TV.

So, how are you feeling?

What thoughts are weighing you down?

Because, that's just what they are, thoughts.

Mostly, your brain is constantly saying things like, "What if I lose my house, my car......?"

Or the worst one, "what if I get this virus?"

And, those thoughts are shouting in your head.

It's like that other person has come out from inside and has taken over every logical thought you can have.

Thoughts like these paralyze us.

They stop our momentum in all areas of our lives.

Yet, we don't have to have those thoughts.

We can see this time as an opportunity, not a crisis.

When we stay stuck in our worrisome thoughts we just keep pushing against the flow and start going upstream or uphill.

Our focus gets stuck.

But, it DOESN'T have to be like that!

I can tell you so many stories about when "crisis" happened in my life and when I really looked hard, that crisis became an opportunity.

I also know, at least for me and mine, this is the time to use all your tools to help calm your mind and have peace in times of trouble.

Now more than ever my essential oils are an absolute necessity!

And, doing my Aroma Freedom processes.  

These things keep me flowing in the Law of Attraction and keeps my focus on where it should be.

In the present.

Not the past.

Not the future.

But doing everything I can to stay on track with my goals and dreams.

Being present, knowing and being in touch with your inner spirit will give grounding, hope, and realization that there will be an end to the current situation.

I have wonderful blends of essential oils that truly help me release anxiety, calm, and stir up my creativity to keep focused.

I will post a wonderful DIY for you tomorrow to stay focused and be present.

In these times where worry creeps in, I have a special offer for you.

I want to be here for you!

So, I am offering a complimentary coaching or Aroma Freedom Technique session. 

CLICK HERE to get in touch for your own personal session over coffee with me.

p.s. remember don't let your thoughts run away with "what if's!"

Have you got foggy brain with all this coronavirus?

Have you got foggy brain with all this coronavirus?

There's a lot coming at us with the crisis that is going on in the world and in our country today.

So much so, that it can quite fog up your brain with nothing else but thoughts of dread, gloom, and doom.

These thoughts can cause fear, anxiety and overwhelm.

Isolation can be thought of as loneliness, or a time to be quiet, learn and re-connect with family members.

When fear thoughts appear and cause heightened anxiety, they are attached to another memory, one that has caused the exact same reaction.

These days I am living with Valor essential oil on my desk and applying often.  

I have other essential oils diffusing to give calm and help with germs in the air.

But, if you really are fighting fear this will get in your head and can totally turn your brain into mush so it seems like you really don't have a brain at all.

As Dorothy in Wizard of OZ said......................

And, that's true!!

Because your brain is only telling you what it's learned.

A pattern of fear that comes from memory.

Probably buried pretty deep down there.

And then, this leads to damaging your self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem and most of all puts your focus on negative energy instead of positive.

I know that when all I can think about is what is negative it leads to crashing to a full stop.

How do I get out of that?

Well, I have lots of tools (processes) and essential oils to match these, to release and define just where the root of all of this is.

There are combinations of oils, and blends that will help you to release these memories and old beliefs so much quicker using processes.

Because of these special times, I have a great offer for you.

I am prepared to gift you an Aroma Freedom Technique session with oils,  through either Skype, Messenger or Zoom.

And yes!  I'm serious.

You are my people.

If you are interested, please click on the link HERE!

I am also gifting one hour of coaching with oils (7 Laws and 7 Essentials).  Contact me HERE!

Have a great week and stay safe and healthy!

Use those oils!

Does Your Mind Play Tricks On You

Does Your Mind Play Tricks On You

We live in a world that's full of constant news, most of it negative.

And, currently, we cannot listen to any media without hearing about the latest health crisis.

So, what does that do to our minds and what thoughts are coming at us?

Whatever we choose!

We do get to choose what thoughts we listen to, even when they are bombarding us!

Our peanut brain (the amygdala) would like us to dwell on past patterns of fear and anxiety.

But, we do not have to listen to it.

We spend a lot of time and energy dwelling on our past and also conjuring up "what might happen" instead.  What if we gathered all that energy,  and returned it to ourselves to focus on being happy and healthy?

I have had times in my life where I spent way too much time and energy on being "anxious" and it generally was about things that hadn't happened, and most likely would not happen.

So, what can I do when fear, or anxiety, hits?

For me, I love to use my senses.

The sense of smell is one of the best senses to use to calm and rationalize in times when your brain wants to panic.


Because that peanut part of our brain responds directly to smell.

We can use smell, along with choosing the thoughts we want to have, to change old patterns and beliefs that don't serve us anymore.

My favorite essential oils for locking in new beliefs are called "Believe!"

After using other oils, such as Inner Child, a combination of Lavender, Stress Away and Frankincense, or Clarity, Believe will help you to stay focused on your new thought patterns. And, when you continue to use it and affirm your new direction daily, releasing those unwanted belief systems will happen faster.

If you would like to know more about how you can release old patterns that you want to change, I would love to tell you more about it!  You can CLICK HERE and let's chat!

If you would like to have access to my guide on How To Attract The Life You Want CLICK HERE!

I would love your feedback, and would love to chat with you and help you attract your best life!

Mindfulness or Awareness? Which one?

Mindfulness or Awareness?  Which one?

Do you practice mindfulness?

It's truly the buzz word and a very in thing to do.

I practice mindfulness.

I try to diffuse situations from exploding by watching my thoughts.

Well, really my instant reaction, or thought reaction.

If that thought is going to make me upset or frustrated, I try to sit back and look to see if there's a better thought.

It works.

Sometimes, I have to sit and breathe for a few minutes to clear my head and my emotions.

When I do that, I always use an uplifting or clarifying essential oils, like Clarity, or a blend of Frankincense, Lavender and Stress Away, or even an essential oil from the citrus family.

It works.

It takes the immediate flurry of negative, or upsetting thoughts away and replaces it with more rational thoughts.

So, I'm not throwing Mindfulness away, but what if you added awareness to mindfulness?

Ok, well what does that mean?

Let's face it, we all have situations in our lives that arise from time to time, and they are not our cup of tea.

In fact, they can be quite toxic.

And, there are people like that too.  They're just are always negative Nellies, or whining or plain, downright rude.

Often, we can't eliminate all of these situations or people.

It may exist where you work, and there may be people at work or in your family, that you just can't wave a magic wand and make them disappear.

But, you are aware of those situations and those people.

And, you can be fully aware that when you encounter these people and situations that it might not be pleasant.

So, what if you took full advantage of being aware, or being present, and also of being mindful?

What if you change your thoughts and were mindful and aware of the probable situation?

Let me tell you a small story.

I have a close family member that is just unhappy with herself and the rest of the world.

I know this, so when I have to have the encounter, I clear my mind, I use essential oils and the situation does not have to be unpleasant for me anymore.

It works.

It's great!


Because I'm not trying anymore to change anyone, or any situation, other than myself and my reactions.

Phew!  You wouldn't believe the difference.

That unhappy person becomes just that, and you get to love on that and empathize instead of being frustrated or critical!

So, next time you find yourself suddenly frustrated, take a moment, excuse yourself and go and do some deep breathing for just a couple of minutes.

I know several methods of breathing but the easiest to remember is, breathe in for five seconds, hold for five seconds, and release for five seconds.  Do this until your mind feels clear and you have found a better thought about the person or situation. 

Remember, being present and being mindful will rock your world, and change it!

And, don't be tough on yourself if this takes a little practice.  Remember that part of your brain called the amygdala?  It's that small almond-shaped part of your brain that stores all your memories, patterns and beliefs. Well, it needs more than a few times to get the message and retrain the automatic response it's used to giving you.  

So, here's a couple of tips that I use and I hope helps you............

My secret formula for releasing negative thoughts, equal drops of Frankincense, Lavender, and Stress Away.

My most awesome oil for affirming and confirming new positive thoughts.  Believe.

For diffusing stress, get out the diffuser and put about  3-4 drops each of Lavender and Stress Away, and two drops of Peppermint.  You'll feel relaxed and uplifted!

How to beat the blues and stamp out the stress!

How to beat the blues and stamp out the stress!

Do you ever feel like your falling down that same sinkhole again?

Like, been here done that, don't wanna go there but can't help myself?

Do you ever wonder why that happens?

It took me a long time to find out, but I did and I can share how you don't have to go down that pit again!

So here's a couple of things I found out that can change those feelings pretty quickly.

You see, feelings are generated by thoughts.  Thoughts and patterns of behavior come from a little place in our brain that is the size of a peanut.  The amygdala.

This is the place in your brain that holds your beliefs which are caused by patterns in your life.

Thoughts alone cannot change the amygdala because it learns by experience, but it is also highly reactive to smell.

Let me give you an example.  

A friend I was talking to last night told me she was feeling very stressed and upset about some health issues her daughter was having.  She went for a walk to try to shake it off.

It had just rained, and she could hear and see her neighbor cutting the grass.  She could also hear the sounds of nature.

She found herself transported back to Sunday afternoons as a child.

Her dad was cutting the grass and she could now smell the newly cut grass which gave her a vivid picture in her mind.

The smell of the earth after rain brought memories of her mother watering the garden as her dad was mowing.

She was transported back in time remembering that while those chores were being done, she was jumping on the trampoline laughing with her sisters.  

A joyous happy memory.

Her feelings of stress and upset were replaced by a feeling of happiness.


Because of the smells and sounds she experienced, her amygdala took her back to another time, a memory of happiness, which came in a eased her feelings of stress.

When I'm feeling stressed, upset or anxious I know how to help my amygdala get past that.  Smell essential oils.

I can diffuse it, I can apply it topically or I can just rub a couple of drops on my hands and breathe it in until the effects of the oil, or blend of oils, change my mood.

All because my amygdala will respond to the positive smell with a positive feeling.

If you'd like to know more contact me HERE! or go and get my complimentary guide on How to attract what you want in your life.  Get it HERE!

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