10 Tips on how to practice the Law of Allowing!

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. 
Dolly Parton Singer-Songwriter

The Law of Allowing is the principle of no resistance meaning take the least action, and hold space. It's about accepting yourself and others without criticism or judgment.

The law of allowing is a spiritual principle that states that we must allow ourselves to receive the good that is available to us in order for it to manifest in our lives. This law states that when we open ourselves up to the abundance that is available to us, we will be able to manifest our desires. By allowing ourselves to receive, we create an energetic space for the good that we want to receive to come into our lives. The law of allowing can be applied to all areas of life, from relationships to finances, and is a powerful tool for manifesting the life that we desire.

What does it mean to hold space? Holding space is a practice of creating a safe and supportive environment for someone, without judgment or expectations. It’s about being present and attentive to the needs of another person and listening with an open mind and heart. It’s about offering empathy, understanding, and compassion so that the person can go through their experience without feeling alone and can come out of it feeling seen, heard, and supported.

Here are 5 tips on practicing the Law of Allowing

  • Start each day with a few moments of mindfulness. Take time to focus on your breathing and be aware of the present moment. This will help you cultivate a sense of peace and acceptance that will be beneficial when practicing the Law of Allowing. 
  • Spend some time reflecting on what it means to allow. Ask yourself questions like: What does it mean to allow? How can I let go of my attachments and expectations? How can I be more open to the possibilities of the universe?
  • Set an intention to practice the Law of Allowing. Remind yourself throughout the day that you are choosing to allow. This will help you stay focused and cultivate a sense of trust in the universe.
  • Take time to appreciate the beauty of the world around you. Acknowledge the perfection of the present moment and be thankful for all that you have. This will help you cultivate a sense of gratitude and surrender to the flow of life.
  • Practice non-attachment. Let go of expectations and attachments and be open to the possibilities of the present moment. Don't become too attached to any one outcome and trust that the universe has a plan for you.
When you are not allowing others to be who they are as well as not allowing yourself to be the person you were created to be, this is called resistance.

What is resistance?

When you are not allowing others to be who they are as well as not allowing yourself to be the person you were created to be, this is called resistance.
Resistance is a force or action that opposes or impedes something. It can be used to describe a physical force, such as an object that is pushing against another object, or an abstract concept, such as opposition to a particular idea or policy. In physics, resistance is a measure of the opposition to electrical current flow in an electrical circuit. In chemistry, it can be used to describe the extent to which a substance resists a change in its physical or chemical properties. In biology, resistance is the ability of a species to survive in a particular environment.

Here are five ways that resistance shows up emotionally and stops us from practicing the Law of Allowing.

  • Fear of the unknown: We may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of letting go of control and allowing things to happen naturally. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and insecurity.
  • Self-doubt: We may feel that we are not capable of allowing things to happen in our lives, which can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.
  • Guilt: We may feel guilty for not doing enough or for not taking action, which can lead to feelings of shame or regret.
  • Unworthiness: We may feel that we are not deserving of having the things we want in our lives, which can lead to feelings of unworthiness and low self-worth.
  • Anger: We may feel frustrated and resentful that things are not happening as quickly as we would like them to, which can lead to feelings of anger and resentment.
This takes time and practice though there are Essential Oils that will help you keep your thoughts and emotions in alignment. I prefer Young Living Oils because of their Seed to Seal. 

The Oils I recommend are Frankincense, Lavender, Stress Away, and Forgiveness. Here's a link to purchase those HERE!  

That's it for today! Go and grab my free resource "5 Steps to Intentional Change"  HERE!

10 Tips on How to Have It All!

“You can have it all. Just not all at once.” — Oprah Winfrey

It's not impossible to "have it all" though most of the time it's easy to feel like you can't. In my experience, I know that re-programming the "superwoman mentality" that is in all of us at a young age, is sort of normal and happens because our parents worry about us hurting ourselves, or getting in over our heads. I love the song "Always Trust Your Cape" written by Guy Clark because it's a story of trusting our inner being and our instincts.

The Law of Deliberate Creation says we can have it all, though there are some parameters that need to be in place. I know that if my mind is in a negative place, I will not be trusting my instincts or my cape, I'll be doubting them. In fact, I may not even start to deliberately create what I desire because my belief is not at the same level, therefore I'm sabotaging myself to even start let alone create. So, how do you get back into a positive frame of mind to create what you desire?  Here are five tips to help you.

5 tips on not creating from a negative place

  • Acknowledge your feelings: Allow yourself to feel your negative emotions. Acknowledge them and don’t suppress them.
  • Reframe the situation: Find a positive spin on what initially appeared to be a negative situation. 
  • Ask for help: Don’t be afraid to reach out to others for support. Having someone to talk to can help you work through your emotions and gain perspective.
  • Use art to express yourself: Creating art can be a great way to express your emotions and process your thoughts.
  • Keep your eye on the big picture: Even though it might be hard to see past the current situation, try to remember that things will eventually get better. Focus on your long-term goals and the positive aspects of your life.

The laws of the Universe work together and just as the Law of Attraction says what we focus on expands, it ties into the Law of Deliberate Creation. Because we create from our focus even when that focus is on the negative side of things. When you start to focus on what you desire, you are applying the Law of Deliberate Creation. 

There's no judgment on what you create, though there are consequences to your intent. Being in full alignment is necessary, so it's important to release any limiting conditions or resistance, so you are giving off the vibration you desire. Here are five tips on how to create and manifest your desire using this law.

5 tips on the Law of Deliberate Creation

  • Visualize your desired outcome: Take time to imagine exactly what you want to manifest in your life. Visualizing your desired outcome helps to manifest it into reality.
  • Believe in yourself and your power to create: Affirm that you have the power to create the life you want and believe in yourself.
  • Be clear about what you want: Take the time to understand what it is that you truly want and be as specific as possible.
  • Take action: Take actionable steps to bring your desired outcome into reality.
  • Let go of the outcome: Release any attachment to the outcome and trust that you will achieve it. Make sure to stay focused on the present moment and enjoy the process.

I practice "The Belief Equation" because when your desire and your belief are at the same level of vibration, you will achieve your dreams and goals. More about that in a future book!

Essential Oils to use when needing to focus and align with your desires are Lavender, Lemon, and Magnify Your Purpose.  You can get them HERE!

And, to get my freebie, "5 Steps to Intentional Change" go HERE!

That's it for today!

Remember, always be a Tigger!

Ta Ta for now......................

Ten tips on how to get out of the rut!

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results................. Willie Nelson.

Everyone can have negative thoughts and do them on a regular basis, though dwelling on them can lead to becoming stuck in them and causing us to be frustrated, overwhelmed, and derailed in our goals and dreams. Changing thoughts can be challenging if you have a tendency to focus on where you've been instead of where you want to go.

Here are a few tips on how you can change your thoughts.

Five tips for changing negative thoughts.
  1. Take a few moments to acknowledge the thoughts and feelings that come up. Recognizing them as valid can help you take a step back and let the thoughts pass.
  2. When you start to have negative thoughts, challenge them with positive statements. For example, if your thought is “I’m not good enough,” you can challenge it by saying “I am capable and strong.”
  3. Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and comparing yourself to someone else’s successes or failures won’t help you.
  4. Find a distraction. Doing something that requires all your focus, such as a puzzle or a new
    hobby can help you forget about negative thoughts and replace them with something positive.
  5. Talk to someone you trust.  Talking about your negative thoughts can help you gain perspective and feel supported.  A friend or a Life Coach can help you look at the situation differently and find a healthier way of thinking.
Getting stuck generally means we are focused on what we don't want. The Universal Law of Attraction states that what you focus on expands, whether that be negative or positive. This law is at work whether you are aware of it or not and may be the reason you are beating yourself up over not achieving your desire, and not believing you can.

How do I focus on what I want instead of what I don't want?

Focusing on what you want instead of what you don't want is a great way to manifest the life you desire. Here are a few tips to get you started:
  1. Identify what you want: Spend some time writing down or visualizing the specific things you want to experience in life.
  2. Visualize your goals: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing those goals and how achieving them would make you feel.
  3. Take action: Take small steps every day to move closer to achieving your goals.
  4. Stay positive: When you find yourself focusing on what you don't want, take a deep
    breath and refocus on what you do want.
  5. Celebrate successes: Celebrate the small successes along the way, as they will help keep
    your focus on the positive.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to manifesting the life of your dreams!

That's it for today. You can get my freebie "Five Steps to Intentional Change" HERE!

How to stop from getting "Stuck!"


Have you ever been in a place where you totally lost momentum?

I have! It sort of crept up on me, like, one day I was firing on all cylinders and then I realized that I was stopped.....................!!!!!!!!!!

I was left scratching my head as to how I got here.  When did I stop going forward and why?

I don't scratch my head or get "stuck" anymore for very long because I've learned skills to help me through the times when I'm changing either direction or just needing time to pause and reflect.

I have some tricks for when these times occur and I'd love to share a couple with you!

1.  Start looking at my thoughts!

Thoughts rule our feelings, actions, and results.  The trick here is to identify what thoughts are making you stop.  Generally, it's triggered by a life event where your mind remembers a similar circumstance and your mind wants to go the same path as before even if the result ended badly.  Solution?  Capture the thought, and start changing your path to the result you desire not the one created by default.

2.  Give myself "Grace!"

Let's face it sometimes we have things that happen in life where we need to take a moment to regroup.  I have found personally not to make big decisions when I am feeling out of sorts.  I actually pause in these moments to make sure I'm allowing the situation to pass, I'm free of judgment, and I'm attracting what I want, not what I don't want because of negative feelings and thoughts.

3.  I re-group!

In other words, I look at all of the circumstances and let myself see what's true and what I might be assuming is true.  Very often our mind plays tricks with the truth and that's exactly when you need to be sure of all the facts, so you can proceed accordingly.

Just like Tinkerbell, we can have our heads and our minds stuck in unreality.

A short story for you. September was a month I'm not sure I want to repeat anytime soon!  I had a grandbaby born on August 31st, I got word I needed to fly to Australia on the 4th, my mother passed away on the 10th, and I flew home on the 19th.  One of my daughters, who was 33 weeks pregnant moved in a few days after I got home and then went into premature labor and had her 34-week baby on the 26th.  We also said goodbye to two granddogs who went over the rainbow and found we had to totally re-do the kitchen in our barndominium.

To say that I've put these three tips into practice is HECK YEAH!

Next time you're feeling like "Pooh,"  try these tips above!

Ta Ta for now!

Oh, and grab my free giveaway HERE " Five Steps to Intentional Change."

Why the heck is it so hard to change?

Change is inevitable.

Even if you resist change, it will still happen.

So why wait, or fret about changes that happen in your life?

Over the last couple of years, a lot has changed in my life.  Some changes for the better, some not so good.

For instance, once upon a time, I was naive enough to think that there were some things that would never change. Things like, I would move in the same circle of friends, I would continue down the same path in my career, I would never think of moving or selling my home, and I was staying in my church forever.

If you relate to any of that then you know that change happens whether you like it or not.  Friends suddenly move on, that career becomes not what you envisioned, and the Universe has a different plan that is not in a direction you can even imagine.

The most important thing to realize about change is its growth!  It's learning to flow with the stream instead of fighting against the tide.

It's understanding that you may grow in a different direction from friends and colleagues and when that happens it's OK to make new friends and new contacts.

Moving and changing to grow and expand is part of fulfilling your purpose.

So, why the heck is it so hard to change?

There are a couple of things:

1.  Old habits are hard to shake.

2. You have an enormous desire, though you don't know how to make it happen so you don't make a move.

3. You don't believe that your dreams and goals can really happen.

4. You are afraid of failure and the repercussions that you perceive come with that.

5.  You think you need to be perfect before you can achieve your goals and dreams.

All of these reasons are just thoughts coming from feelings that are preventing you from moving forward, changing your present, to achieve your future.

If this sounds like you, I can help you.

First grab my free resource The 5 Steps to Intentional Change.  HERE!

Then book a free consult with me and lets get you moving and embracing change in your life! HERE!

Have a great day!
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