The Power of Focus

Focus is huge!

What you focus on you CREATE!

I can attest to that.................let me tell you a short story!

When the pandemic first began I made a statement about medical professionals were wearing masks and they were unavailable to the public at that time.  I began making masks..................and more masks..................and suddenly my day was consumed with making masks.

Where was my focus?

On making masks.

Was I successful?............................Heck yes!

So, here's a question?

Where's YOUR focus?

What's it on?

As I've been on this journey of coaching, both life coaching and health coaching, it's become very obvious that most people are focused on what they don't choose.

Like, I want to lose weight.

What if that statement were changed just slightly to be, " I choose to release weight easily?"

Now it's focused on a choice, not a "want" and believe it or not, your brain now sees this as a definite
 possibility instead of another thing that's "wanted."

Fascinating right?

The brain is brilliant.  It has memories from before birth, and in my mental health research and study, it's been proved that it believes exactly what you say.

So, when we write a "to-do" list, try writing an "I've achieved" list.  Your brain will release hormones that will give you energy and make you excited to start your day.  You see,  when you write your list like you've already achieved it, your brain believes it!

Try it!!


Grab my free resource for your Whole Health E-Book HERE

Join my free Coaching FB group HERE

Check out my online courses HERE


Twitter: Kethom

How Does "Coaching" Really Work?

I'm often asked, "what do you do?"

Well, I have a lot of options for the answer, but most often I'll reply "I'm a Life Coach."

I've found that a lot of people really don't know exactly what a Life Coach does, and if "coaching" really works, or is it just another idea to part you from your well-earned money.

I can testify that Life Coaching has changed not only my life but a lot of others around me.

For instance, I used to have a LOT of habits that I thought were "just me" until I realized that HABITS can be gotten rid of, and especially the ones that I don't need anymore.

Like the idea that my mother gave me that I need to clean my plate at every meal because of the "starving children in Africa!"  Yeah right, she was sending them my leftover food or was I just overeating.

And, the other habit of always thinking someone did something to make me unhappy, unsuccessful, fat, untidy, unlovable or unattractive, is just plain horse poop!

But, I believed a lot of those things for way too long in my life, until I met a Life Coach.

And then, I started sharing the new possibilities I'd found with others.

First my family and friends and then anyone I could convince to listen.


Because my life changed.


It didn't happen overnight, but my eyes, heart, and mind sure began to understand that nothing outside of me could "make" me do anything, think anything, or feel anything.

I was in control.

When I really came to understand that, everything around me blossomed.

Relationships, work, money, opportunities, you name it.................. I had a different way of thinking and reacting.

How would you feel if you could ditch some of the thoughts in your head that drive you crazy, or lead you down miserable rabbit holes, where you feel either too small or too large!

Wouldn't that be awesome?

I'd love to show you how even 15 minutes in a free virtual coffee chat can change your perspective, and consequently your life.

That's why it's called "Life Coaching!"

Join me and sign up HERE for your free window of opportunity.

And, download this gift from me today.  Here's the link!

Hope we talk soon!!!!


Is Stress dulling your Pearl?

Hey there lovely!

I'm jumping right into it today, because as your world begins to open up, what is stopping you from resuming all of the things you want to?

What feelings are causing you maybe stay "frozen" in place?

Sometimes, your thoughts can spin so hard and with so many good reasons, that you end up feeling frozen in place, unable to move, for fear that something bad is going to happen.

Let me tell you something.  That's your brain trying to protect you.

That the brain that's been trained to listen to a lot of doom and gloom over the last 15 months.

That's the brain that's stored so much deep down within that its job now is to try to save you from..........

maybe nothing?

Our brains have this fight or flight pattern and most of the time, your brain wants you to flee!

Stay far away from anything that might harm you.

But wait a minute................. what if there's nothing to harm you?

I mean we're not out there hunting lions and tigers, so maybe our brain is filling our mind with irrational thoughts that aren't true anymore!

Stress has become too normal over these last months.

Stress may have become so normal you don't recognize it.

Your mind may now be conditioned into thinking certain thoughts around any stressful situation.


Because your brain is supposedly keeping you safe.

A stressor for me has been the now sudden OK for not wearing a mask in public places.

I know I'm covered, I've been vaccinated, but yet my brain has a wired path that tells me it's not ok, it's not safe, even if it is!

What's keeping you frozen?

And, if you are "frozen" what can help you get control of the fear your brain is sending to you.

Well, I have a gift for you today.

It's a short read and 6 Ways to Fight Stress Fast.

You can download it HERE!

Make sure you get your gift and treat yourself to ways to put that brain to rest.

I'm also having a retreat at my farm on Saturday, July 24th and you can find all the details


Oh, I nearly forgot..................for a coffee chat with me, on the house, go

Yikes! I moved the fridge...........

So, you moved the fridge?????  Now you're going....................

The last time I moved the fridge, I was horrified, to say the least.

Then I was deflated.........

Maybe disheartened...........

I thought I kept my home pretty clean, but yikes!

It was embarrassing in a sort of way, but as I was cleaning all that "stuff" up, including things that had been missing for a long time, I had an Ephiny.  

Ok, remember the pearl in the oyster that is only formed by adding layer upon layer, sometimes layer upon layer doesn't make a pearl, it makes a mess.

I am well aware that when I shove stuff down deep somewhere in my brain, thoughts, and feelings, it can get messy.

I'm not attending to it, because I'm sort of hiding it, or hiding from it.

I don't want to look at it, and deal with it.

So, it grows.

Into big dust balls like you find under the fridge, or the stove when you finally move that sucker.

And, they are now covered up with other stuff.

Gooey, sticky, messy and it all needs a lot more attention to clean it up and out than if attended to when it first happened.

Well, I can't answer for you, but I am constantly amazed at what "old junk thoughts" are hidden deep inside my brain.

We all have old habits, which occur from old thoughts, that don't serve us anymore.

I know I have, and I know a lot of other people who struggle with those same old patterns that quite frankly are making them disheartened.

Disheartened because they can't lose weight and keep it off!

Disheartened because they're not happy with their relationships!

Disheartened because their finances are not in line with their expenses!

Disheartened because their new business is not gaining momentum and is crashing!

Disheartened because they think they are failing as a mom, wife, and daughter.

Did you know you can find those "blocks" or old "thoughts" that are now causing you to feel this way?

If you didn't know that, I can tell you now that you don't have to keep on being disheartened.  You can change those patterns which are leading to your feelings.

If that sounds like you, jump on over and join my FB group,  HERE, where we will be talking a lot about how to get from disheartened to enlightened!

If you'd like to have a virtual coffee chat with me click HERE and book an appointment.

Have a beautiful day!


Are you a precious Pearl?

The other day I was getting dressed and thought I needed that "something" extra to just give my jeans and rather cool top a bit of "pop."

So, I did what every woman does, I went digging through my jewelry to find just the right piece.

And then, I remembered my pearls.

The ones my amazing hubby bought me for my "something or other" birthday.

Having lots of children in your home does not lend to wearing your pearls very often, but these pearls are very special.

When both my sisters turned "forty" my mother bought them pearls.

What they did with them, or even if they remember I don't know, but I did know I didn't receive the valued string of pearls for my fortieth.  I have no idea why, and to be frank, she might have been upset with me because I was changing countries, just after that monumental birthday.

But, although I was disappointed, I went on my merry way until one fine day, around my another non-eventful birthday, my amazing hubby came home with the most exquisite string of REAL pearls.

Well, I got them out of their special case, put them on and remembered that pearls are the perfect jewelry for every occasion.  They gave me that "special" feeling of being unique all over again.

You see, a pearl is unique.  

It is not fashioned by man, it is fashioned by God, inside the oyster.

In fact, a parasite creeps into the oyster and the oyster fashions it into something beautiful instead of something that was not.

You and I are the same.

We are unique.


And, if we listen closely to the voice within us, we too are fashioned into exactly what God intends for us.

He gently, over time, polishes and molds us into His unique pearl.

One that is like no other.

One that is fashioned for His purpose and plan.

Perhaps you feel that you need a little polishing to get some of your sparkle back after these longs months of living through a pandemic.

Then save the date, Saturday, July 22nd for an amazing day at my farm.

Yup, it ain't virtual, it's personal!

You can read all about it HERE!

If you'd like to just have a virtual coffee and chat about how you can polish that beautiful pearl inside you go HERE and book your time with me, for FREE!

See you at the farm on July 22nd, but hurry, there's only room for a few.

A thought to leave you with!

Why do we compare Heaven to a pearl?  A pearl is a perfect simile because a fine pearl is a valuable treasure that needs no polishing or cutting by man. It comes to us complete and lustrous created by God through nature, as is the kingdom of heaven, which only God could create and perfect.
Matthew 13.45/46.

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